Mastering Substring Search: Python String Contains Methods

python string contains

It is frequently required to determine whether a string contains a particular substring while working with Python strings. This can be helpful in a number of situations, such finding keywords in a document, confirming user input, or modifying data according to patterns. As a premier Python programming business, we will examine various approaches to determine whether a given string in Python has a substring in this blog.

Now let’s get going.

Employing the Operator “in”

There isn’t a contains method for strings in Python. To determine whether a string contains a substring, there are a few methods available. Using the in operator is one method.

For example:

# Define the main string
main_string = "Hello, how are you doing today?"

# Define the substrings to check
substrings = ["how", "doing", "Python", "HoW", ""]

# Example 1: Using 'in' keyword for basic check
print("Example 1: Using 'in' keyword for basic check")
for substring in substrings:
    if substring in main_string:
        print(f"'{substring}' found in '{main_string}'")
        print(f"'{substring}' not found in '{main_string}'")

This code will print the following output:

Example 1: Using 'in' keyword for basic check
'how' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?'
'doing' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?'
'Python' not found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?'
'HoW' not found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?'
'' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?'

Using the “index()” Method

Another way to check if a string contains a substring is to use the index() method. The index() method returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring in the string. If the substring is not found, the index() method will raise a ValueError exception. For example:

# Define the main string
main_string = "Hello, how are you doing today?"

# Define the substrings to check
substrings = ["how", "doing", "Python", "HoW", ""]

# Example 3: Using 'find()' method to get index
print("\nExample 3: Using 'find()' method to get index")
for substring in substrings:
    index = main_string.find(substring)
    if index != -1:
        print(f"'{substring}' found in '{main_string}' at index {index}")
        print(f"'{substring}' not found in '{main_string}'")

This code will also print the following output:

Example 3: Using 'find()' method to get index
'how' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' at index 7
'doing' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' at index 19
'Python' not found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?'
'HoW' not found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?'
'' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' at index 0

Additional Techniques for String Substring Checking

Case-Insensitive Substring Checking

By default, the methods mentioned above are case-sensitive. However, if you want to perform a case-insensitive substring check, you can convert the string and the substring to lowercase or uppercase using the lower() or upper() methods.

Here’s an example:

# Define the main string
main_string = "Hello, how are you doing today?"

# Define the substrings to check
substrings = ["how", "doing", "Python", "HoW", ""]

# Example 2: Case insensitive check using 'in' keyword
print("\nExample 2: Case insensitive check using 'in' keyword")
for substring in substrings:
    if substring.lower() in main_string.lower():
        print(f"'{substring}' found in '{main_string}' (case insensitive)")
        print(f"'{substring}' not found in '{main_string}' (case insensitive)")


Example 2: Case insensitive check using 'in' keyword
'how' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' (case insensitive)
'doing' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' (case insensitive)
'Python' not found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' (case insensitive)
'HoW' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' (case insensitive)
'' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' (case insensitive)

Checking for Multiple Substrings

To check if a string contains multiple substrings, you can use a loop or combine the in operator with logical operators such as ‘and’ ‘or’ ‘or’.

# Define the main string
main_string = "Hello, how are you doing today?"

# Define the substrings to check
substrings = ["how", "doing", "Python", "HoW", ""]

import re

# Example 4: Using regular expressions
print("\nExample 4: Using regular expressions")
for substring in substrings:
    pattern = re.escape(substring)  # Escape special characters in substring
    if, main_string):
        print(f"'{substring}' found in '{main_string}' using regular expression")
        print(f"'{substring}' not found in '{main_string}' using regular expression")


Example 4: Using regular expressions
'how' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' using regular expression
'doing' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' using regular expression
'Python' not found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' using regular expression
'HoW' not found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' using regular expression
'' found in 'Hello, how are you doing today?' using regular expression

Another Example :

# Define the main string
main_string = "Hello, how are you doing today?"

# Define the substrings to check
substrings = ["how", "doing", "Python", "HoW", ""]

# Example 5: Checking for prefix or suffix
print("\nExample 5: Checking for prefix or suffix")
prefix = "Hello"
suffix = "today?"

if main_string.startswith(prefix):
    print(f"'{main_string}' starts with '{prefix}'")

if main_string.endswith(suffix):
    print(f"'{main_string}' ends with '{suffix}'")

Output :

Example 5: Checking for prefix or suffix
'Hello, how are you doing today?' starts with 'Hello'
'Hello, how are you doing today?' ends with 'today?'

Best Practices for String Substring Checking

Crafting Optimized and Efficient Code

When determining whether a Python string includes a substring, particularly in large strings or when conducting substring tests frequently, it’s critical to write code that is both efficient and optimized.

When determining whether a Python string contains a substring, avoid needless conversions, employ the approach most suited for the job, and weigh the performance trade-offs.

Managing Errors and Edge Cases

In Python, while determining whether a string includes a substring, you should always account for any errors and edge cases.

For instance, manage exceptions caused by the index() method, handle situations in which the substring is an empty string, and take into account how the methods behave with special characters or escape sequences.

Robustness when determining if a string contains substrings unique to Python is ensured by appropriate error handling.

Taking Performance Trade-offs into Account

There are differences in performance between substring checking algorithms. Regular expressions and the index() method are typically slower than the in operator and the find() function.

Regular expressions, on the other hand, offer enhanced pattern-matching capabilities and greater flexibility.

When selecting the best technique for determining whether a Python string contains a substring, take into account the trade-offs between functionality and efficiency.

Selecting the Appropriate Substring Checking Method

The exact needs of your application will determine which Python technique is best for determining whether a string contains a substring.

Take into account elements including performance, pattern-matching ability, case sensitivity, and the requirement for sophisticated string manipulation.

Try out many approaches and select the one that best works for you when determining whether a string contains substrings that are unique to Python.

Wrapping Up

These techniques let you quickly determine whether a string contains a substring in Python, so you can make sure your programs can handle a variety of situations and data types.

By mastering the skills offered, you will improve your ability to work with text data by learning how to determine if a Python string contains a particular substring.

Lastly, we discussed best practices for error handling, performance trade-offs, writing streamlined and optimized code, and selecting the appropriate substring checking technique.

Thus, you may efficiently determine whether a Python string has a particular substring and improve the functionality of your apps by being aware of these methods and factors.

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